
In Commemoration of Hermann Scheer

In Commemoration of Hermann Scheer On April 29, 2014 Hermann Scheer would have celebrated his 70th birthday. Hermann Scheer, recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, died at age 66 fully engaged in a life of ideas and initiatives. He had been a member of the German Bundestag for three decades and significantly influenced the political […]

Solutions to Climate Change: Canada’s First NET ZERO Buildings

April 1st: SEI Seminar Series Event: Solutions to Climate Change: Canada’s First NET ZERO Buildings Join York's Sustainable Energy Initiative on Tuesday April 1st from 5:30pm-6:30pm at York University's Keele campus in 140 HNES Building, for a presentation by Dave De Sylva. This event is free and all are welcome! In this final seminar, Dave […]

SEI Seminar Series - Solutions to Climate Change: Innovations for Sustainable Mining, by Dr. Adriaan Davidse

February 25th: SEI Seminar Series Event: Solutions to Climate Change: Innovations for Sustainable Mining Join York's Sustainable Energy Initiative on Tuesday Feb. 25th from 5:30pm-6:30pm at York University's Keele campus in 140 HNES Building, for a presentation by Dr. Adriaan Davidse. This event is free and all are welcome! Dr. Adriaan Davidse of Deloitte Inc […]

SEI Seminar Series - Serving The Public: Visit from the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario

December 6th: SEI Seminar Series Event: Serving The Public: Visit from the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario Join York's Sustainable Energy Initiative on Friday Dec. 6th from 11:30am-1:30pm at York University's Keele campus in 140 HNES Building, for a presentation by Ontario's Environmental Commissioner, Gord Miller, followed by a Q & A session.  Peter Love will be moderating […]

Understanding the Economic Impact of Renewable Energy Initiatives

York University’s Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) announces the publication of the 5th in its series of research papers on Ontario Electricity Policy. Understanding the Economic Impact of Renewable Energy Initiatives, by SEI Co-Chair Professor Mark Winfield, examines the debates around the Ontario’s Green Energy and Green Economy Act as an energy and economic development strategy. […]

Planning for Uncertainty: Third Annual Ontario Energy Policy Roundtable Event

Join York’s Sustainable Energy Initiative on Tuesday October 22nd from 10am-12noon at 120E Stedman Lecture Hall, Keele Campus for a discussion about the assessments and commentary of the Wynne government's moves on electricity/energy policy, (e.g. Conservation framework, changes to GEGEA FIT program, Nuclear refurbishments, LTEP review and overall approach to the electricity planning process) and […]

BCSEA Webinar: 100% Renewables - Roadmaps for powering states, countries, and the world with wind, water and sunlight

BCSEA Webinar: 100% Renewables - Roadmaps for powering states, countries, and the world with wind, water and sunlight with Mark Jacobson, Director of the Atmosphere/Energy Program and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Stanford University Tuesday September 17, 2013, 12 Noon Pacific Time. A free webinar, at your computer. Register here Global warming, air […]