Public Forum: “Powering a Low-carbon Economy for 2030 and Beyond”

How quickly, and to what extent, can we make the transition to cleaner and renewable energy in North America? Do you have ideas or concerns on the policy pathway to a low-carbon future by 2030?

This is your chance. Act now and register before 13 April to participate in the public forum on “Powering a Low-carbon Economy for 2030 and Beyond,” organized by the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC).

The meeting, to be held 18 April in Toronto, Canada, will start with a keynote address by Jatin Nathwani, Executive Director of the Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Energy. Nathwani will provide an overview of the Equinox Blueprint: Energy 2030 report, which has become a benchmark for the debate on the implementation of new, high energy-efficient technologies, as well as the application of state-of-the-art science and technology.

Energy experts from Canada, Mexico and the United States, convened by JPAC, will also answer questions on the current status of renewable energy in the region, as well as its future outlook.

Join us to identify the progress made since the CEC published its 2007 report onFostering Renewable Electricity Markets in North America, or to learn how renewable energy projects can be pursued in remote communities, among other very interesting topics.

Public participation at the event is free, but space is limited, so reserve your spot now. The meeting will be webcast<>, with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish, French and English.

For details on the event location, the provisional agenda and the registration form, visit the CEC website <> or contact JPAC Liaison Officer, Marcela Orozco, at<>.

About JPAC

The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC), composed by 15 citizens (five from each country), makes recommendations to the CEC Council on any matter within the scope of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), and acts as a source of information for the CEC Secretariat.

About the CEC

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) was created by Canada, Mexicoand the United States to implement the NAAEC, the parallel agreement to NAFTA on environmental issues. The CEC supports cooperation among the three trade partners on environmental matters of common concern, with special emphasis on environmental challenges and opportunities arising from free trade in the region.<>