Market Renewable Energy like a Business Product

SEI member Tom Du published an article in Corporate Knights Magazine

Market Reneawble Energy like a Business Product

Mobilising support for renewable energy begins with one reality: moral arguments are noble but ultimately insufficient. To achieve widespread and rapid change, it's crucial to communicate renewable energy development as an economic strategy for individuals and businesses. We need to frame the discourse not in normative statements about “saving the environment,” but rather, in terms of economic returns, risks, and opportunities.

Reframing the Environmental Narrative

Let's shift the environmental narrative from "stop producing, consuming, and depleting" to a more positive message that highlights production and consumption based on an abundance of renewable energy and material.

Relying on guilt to change business and individual behaviour can backfire. Businesses and individuals become disconnected from the long-term environmental vision when they are constantly shamed for driving cars, eating carbon-intensive foods, and living a certain way. We need to frame the transition differently – not as one of sacrifice and hardship, but as one of opportunity and shared benefits. This positive approach appeals to a larger segment of the population and inspires wide-scale change.

Continued... Click HERE to read the full article.